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Customer Testimonials

1. Overall, how satisfied were you with my services?


2. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very poor, 5 being exceptional), how would you rank your overall experience with me?


3. What elements of the service I provided most impressed you?

David was fantastic throughout. Very thoughtful and knowledgable and always had our best interests at heart.

4. Are there any improvements to my service I could make?


5. Please rate me on each of the following:

Understanding of your needs: Excellent

Knowledge and explanation of products: Excellent

Courtesy and friendliness: Excellent

Communication (i.e. keeping you up to date): Excellent

Quality of service: Excellent

6. Did I keep you informed during the application and approval process?


7. Would you be interested in knowing more about any of the other services I provide?


8. Would you recommend my services to others?


Phil and Jodie 2017

Click this text to edit. Choose a customer testimonial, review, or quote from the media that gives prospective buyers confidence in your brand, your products, or your customer service.

Jane Doe - Another Company, Ltd

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